
Thursday, August 26, 2010

There's A Crazy Person Trapped Inside My Body

I'm sitting here in my clean house, with my laundry doing it's thing and the dishwasher running. Outside the kids are trying to have a picnic on a blanket in the yard, but the dog keeps laying on it. I know what I'm making for dinner, I have it all ready to go. I know what I'm making tomorrow night too. The wind is blowing, the birds are chirping and the bees are buzzing.

And you know what?

Right now, life is good.

Sometimes it isn't so good. Sometimes it's really, really bad. We have had our fair share of really, really bad. I thank my lucky stars that it's never been worse than it was, because it could have been. It can always get worse.

The thing is though sometimes I have a hard time when things are good. I don't know what to do with myself. I get bored if I'm not solving some problem or if I don't have something to worry about.

Who the heck acts like this? ME!

I'm having a hard time being satisfied with things right now, and it really shouldn't be the case. I mean, we have so much to be thankful for and here I am. Gloomy. Almost depressed. This can't be healthy. I know it's not the weather, it's really nice right now. I'm not stuck in the house. I have a million projects that I need desperately to get started. And yet here I sit, in a slump.

I need something to snap me out of this.

If this is how I am *now* this is going to be one looooooooong winter.

It's funny how life works sometimes.....

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