
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monday Munchies

Last week I was cruising around the internet and I found a blog where a mom fed her kids lunch out of a muffin tin and called it something really cute. Only, I can't remember where the blog was or what she called it.
So, I ripped off her idea. You see, we have been having quite the power struggle around here when it comes to who gets to decide what's for lunch. Or breakfast. Or dinner. Or snack. Get the idea?
I thought my girls would love this. They could pick what they wanted, put it on their plates and go to town eating it up.
But the catch was, they could only pick from what was on the muffin tin.
That means that I got to pick what they ate.
I am back in control, baby!

I put yogurt into cups for them, but I put everything else into the muffin tin. They could choose from cantaloupe, carrot, crackers, cheese, granola and cranberries.

It was a giant hit and we are doing it again today. They think it's a big treat and I think that they are eating what I want them too, but there are no giant fights over who gets to pick what we have.
It really is a win-win.
I thank the woman I ripped this off from, and if I find her blog again, I will update this and link to it. It was a great place and had a ton of good ideas!
Have a happy Monday and look out this week for more remodel pictures.....we *might* have working fixtures in there now!

*UPDATE* I found it! I found it! Here is the blog, if you have kids it's worth checking out!

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