
Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Day Of Magical Wonderment

Can you feel the excitement? We visited Wildlife Safari for the 800th time yesterday and my kids (as you can see) loved every minute of it. It amazes me that no matter how many times we go up there, they are just as interested and excited to see the animals every time. They are getting to the point though where they are naming some of them.

I wanted to make sure you all got a good look at some of the animals so here we go; first up-Ducks



There were Bears, Monkeys and Elk:

Wait! Those weren't monkeys, those were my children! Although it looks like the one on the left has had a monkey sucking on her hair...

This next picture is probably the single best zebra picture I have ever seen. This thing just stood perfectly still and let us get really close. I love it so much, I might frame it!

Hey, you convince my 3 year old her little people aren't real. You'll have to get back to me and tell me how that goes.

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