
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Top 10

Today's Top 10 is....
Why I want to move to a farm.

1) I want to have more chickens. Like 50 of them.

2) I want to raise pigs, not only for us to eat but also to sell.

3) I want my kids to have more room to roam.

4) I want enough room to have the girls' horse at home so they can ride more often.

5) I want an orchard.

6) I want a huge berry patch with raspberries, strawberries and blueberries.

7) I want goats, just to look at.

8) I want to be able to project movies on the side of our barn on hot summer nights.

9) I want to be able to say "yes" when the kids want a bunny, or chicken, or another dog, or a sheep.

10) I really, really want my own milk cow. Really.


  1. Granma says "you can have it!" but granpa says "What a girl!"

  2. I think it sounds awesome, although I'm too lazy to have most of what you want. Let me know when you get the milking operation going, I'd love to give you a hand making cheese.

  3. I'm going to do it, it's just a matter of when. I'm just using the time up to then to read and learn all I can so I'm as book prepared as possible. That's nothing like real life training, but it should give me an eventual advantage :)


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