
Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Yesterday afternoon we were sitting in the living room shooting the breeze with my dad when I spied something gray sticking out of her nose.

All the kids had been sick, so my first thought was that this was some kind of mutant snot- maybe she wasn't feeling good again and was having some nasal issues.

I asked, "Jo, what's that in your nose?" I fully expected her to tell me it was a booger. That's the kinda kid she is.

Instead she replied, "That's paper. I've been putting it up there all day." It was so conversational that it took me a minute to really get what she said.

The best part? She never even looked away from the cartoons she was watching.

We blew her nose and a wad of paper the size of a large marble came out.

At least she didn't lie and tell me the babies did it.....

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