
Thursday, August 2, 2012


This is Tip. Tip is 6 1/2 weeks old. He's as sweet as can be and only occasionally chews up something I would have liked to keep. 

Tip sleeps a lot. He is just a baby after all...

Why the name Tip has probably been asked a hundred times. Well, I'll tell you. There is a series of books out there by James Herriot. In the book All Creatures Great and Small there is a dog named Tip. Since this was my gift to my husband for our 10th anniversary, he got to name him. He picked Tip because of our love of the books and because he has a white tip on his tail. Also, since we plan on training him to be a cattle dog, we needed a name that was short and didn't sound like any of the commands he needs to learn. Tip fit the bill perfectly.

Tip enjoys long naps, puppy kibble, going to the barn and romps in the yard. He does not like being interrupted while napping, having his nails clipped and not being tall enough to get on the couch.

So, there he is. Our newest baby. We love him, he is such a good boy! He's mellow and bright with just enough spunk to make him really fun. I secretly love him because he sleeps through the night :) I'm sure you'll be seeing more of Tip in the future, but I wanted to introduce him to you today.

He'd say hello himself...but he's sleeping right now.

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