
Monday, August 6, 2012

Raspberry Jam

Raspberry jam is some of our favorite, if not the absolute favorite, jam in our house. We tend to go through a lot of jam since it can be used so many ways. On toast and pb&j's of course, but also as a filling for cookies and cakes, to spread on a biscuit or scone, to heat up to pour over pancakes or waffles and to use as an ice cream topping. We mix it into yogurt, throw a scoop into a smoothie and just use it a million and one ways. 

Whenever I make jam and tell anyone about it, I almost always hear, "You know you can buy it in the store right?". I'm going to tell you the two ways it makes sense to me to make my own jam.
  1. I know what goes in it There are no random bits of rotten fruit, no pieces of leaves or stems, no really gross things you hear stories about. I know how much sugar or sweetener I use. I know how fresh the fruit is. I usually know exactly where the fruit came from! 
  2. We use about a 16 oz jar of jam per week. My cost on raspberry jam was $1.06 per 16 oz jar for a total of $4.24/week. The last jar of raspberry jam I bought at the store (and it was NOT a name brand, it was a store brand) cost $3.25 for a total of $13.00/week. That kind of savings is worth my time and effort. I'll not only make raspberry, but also blackberry (we get all the berries we want for free), peach, strawberry and we're going to try to make boysenberry this year as well. In 30 minutes, I made 12 pints of jam. Very little time for the kind of savings it affords me throughout the year!
Making jam is easy. If you aren't comfortable with the canning process you can make freezer jam. I've never made freezer jam, so I am not the expert to tell you how to do it, but I have been assured that it is not only easy, but also delicious :)

I got my recipe right out of the pectin box and canned it according to directions. I encourage you to stretch your wings if you haven't already and make some jam. It makes a great present for the holidays, you'll love how fresh it tastes vs. store bought and it is really worth more ways than one. The sense of accomplishment that you feel when you look at those filled jars is something amazing. 

You can do it! You can, CAN! 

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