
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Family Night

Because we have so many animal responsibilities and because of my husbands work schedule, we don't often get a chance to "get away" as a family or a couple. Does that stop us from having a good time? Heck no and it shouldn't stop you either! There are so many fun things you can do with your family without leaving home and on the cheap. We've taken vacations before of course, and the kids have enjoyed them, but the things they always talk about and want to do are the things we do at home or close to home.

For most of you the school year is drawing to a close and now is the perfect time to think about fun activities to do with the kids. And let's face it, there aren't a whole lot of folks out there with a ton of extra cash laying around right now. To get you started thinking about things to do on Family Night, I thought I would share a few things our family enjoys doing together.

Not every thing we do is going to interest you, or be something you can do, but it's a place to start. I highly encourage you to think outside of your normal boundaries and try something new. It might just turn into your families' new favorite activity!

Last Friday night we had our first bonfire of the year. The thing about getting kids excited about doing a new activity is that the more involved they are, the more likely they are to enjoy the activity.

Our girls helped by making a fire ring out of bricks.

Now, the fire ring really isn't that useful when it comes to containing the fire, BUT the girls thought that a fire needed it and they did it. What it does do is provide a boundary between the kids and the fire. They know to stay away from the ring, and that getting any closer could be dangerous. We never have really big fires, but any fire is enough to cause an accident to happen with little kids. The ring helps to make that possibility a little less.

Next, we asked the girls to round up some seating. Instead of carrying out the lawn chairs, they opted to make some benches out of stuff we had laying around.

I applaud their sense of style ;)

So, just getting them involved in making the space "their own" is a big help in getting them excited. We set this up last week and they have asked to build a fire every night this week. We try to only have a fire once a week or so, maybe more often in the summer, so that the fun stays fresh. We rotate through our other activities so one doesn't become stale.

I usually make up some treat to enjoy while we hang out together, and this week it was Peach Crisp and ice cream, but other times it will be roasting marshmallows or making s'mores. Or we might get out the pie irons and use some bread and pie filling to make some really great treats. We just go with the flow and have fun.

Doesn't she look like she's having fun??

Other things we enjoy:

  1. Walking to the park after dinner and playing
  2. Going to the local reservoir and taking a picnic lunch or dinner
  3. Laying in the grass on a clear night and identifying constellations, talking about phases of the moon and watching for shooting stars
  4. Playing catch or soccer in the yard as a family
  5. Watching a movie and having popcorn
  6. Taking a walk around our little town
  7. Eating ice cream cones on the front porch and watching the cars go by
The thing to remember about having fun as a family is that it doesn't take an exotic destination or tons of cash to have fun. All it takes is being together!

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