
Monday, April 30, 2012

Apple Fritters

I don't know what it is about apple fritters, but I love them. The crisp outsides, the tender insides dotted with sweet apples, the spicy cinnamon and the sweet, sticky glaze on top. All those together make a wonderful treat!

The only problem was that when I went to search out a recipe, all the recipes I could find were for a cake donut with apples chopped up and added. Not what I was looking for.

I finally got so frustrated that I decided to make my own recipe. It couldn't be that hard right? I know how to make raised donuts, I know that an apple fritter is a raised donut, I just needed to figure out how to make them look like a fritter. No problem!

I used the single loaf recipe of Grandmother Bread, with a couple additions.

Apple Fritters

Single Loaf Grandmother Bread
1/4 cup butter, softened
3 egg yolks
4 medium apples~ peeled, cored, sliced thin and sauteed with 1 Tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon brown sugar and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Cooked til tender and cooled.
1 1/2 Tablespoon cinnamon

Make the bread according to directions, adding the butter, egg yolks and apples to along with the first 3 cups of flour. Let rise until double.

Now here's where I changed things up again. I didn't let the dough rise a second time. Instead, I floured the counter really well and took about 1/2 a cup of dough out at a time. I rolled it into a ball on the floured counter and then stretched it into a thinner round (imagine stretching a pizza crust) before popping it right into the 350 degree oil. Cook about 2-3 minutes on each side, until golden brown and delicious. Drizzle with Glaze (recipe follows).

I tried just rolling them out, but the would be very thin in the middle and not have that signature bumpy appearance. The stretching worked out great and it was easy too!

Vanilla Glaze

2 cups sifted powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup milk

Stir it all together until a thin (about the consistency of honey) glaze forms. Add more milk if it's too thick, more powdered sugar if it's too thin.

This couldn't have been any easier and I can tell by the way they are flying off the platter that these are going to be an often requested item here. They were easy, fairly quick (about 1 1/2 hours start to finish) and they taste SO GOOD. Dare I say even better than the ones you can get from the store? I think so!


  1. Hey Charlie, I have a birthday request for Apple Fritters, so I'm going to make yours. I have 3 questions: 1. I have a quart of homemade apple pie filling, I'm thinking I could sub it for the fresh apple mixture? 2. Did you increase the flour in the bread recipe much by adding the extra liquids? (I'm assuming yes :) and 3. How many fritters did your batch make? Approximates are fine :) Thanks!

  2. I have 3 answers: 1) YES! Use homemade apple pie filling 2) I just added enough flour to make the dough handle-able, but not too stiff, it wasn't a lot extra. Just like regular bread dough. And 3) I *think* this recipe made about 12-15, depending on size BUT I haven't made them in a while so don't hold me to that number :)


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