
Friday, June 17, 2011

Top 10 Things I'm Putting Off Doing

Hello all 6 of you left reading this blog that I never update and seldom post to. I won't bore you with all of the details of why I haven't been blogging, and we'll just settle for this today.

What's new on the Homestead~


Well, that isn't really true I guess. My garden is doing fairly well, we added 2 blueberries, 1 red raspberry and 2 golden raspberries to it this year. We almost have broccoli and cauliflower ready to harvest, my tomatoes are blooming, the potatoes are growing like weeds (probably cause they kinda are weeds), I have been dehydrating herbs out of my herb baskets.

My cabbages have nearly fist-sized heads on them now so I'm looking forward to making some sauerkraut and dehydrating some of that. Work moves on somewhat slowly with the house remodel, it will be done eventually.

Really, that's about it unless you count the waiting on Petunia to have her calf. Since we don't know exactly when she was bred, we have no idea on when she is due and are having to guess by the subtle changes we are seeing in her. Some of them are actually not so subtle I guess, who knew a cows udder could get so huge?

I haven't done a Top 10 in a while, so I thought today would be a good time to do a new one. Read along, my friends as we have another installment of:

Top 10 Things I'm Being Lazy About

10) Laundry~ As I am writing this there are no less than 5 loads staring at me from the couch. Honestly I think I saw one of the socks scurry off under the stairs. Proof that the laundry multiplies at night.

9) Weeding~ Our garden has been taken over by some sort of super-human, ultra fast growing weed mutant this year and it requires DAILY weeding of every row. Daily. Weeding. Of. Every.Single. Row. And not just a little weeding everyday, it seems to have all come back by the next morning.

8) Figuring out what's for dinner~ This one will bite me in the hiney later.

7) Mowing the lawn~ I try to do this for Kevin so he doesn't have to, but I've been putting it off. So has he apparently.

6) Clearing off the kitchen table~ We've been having "picnics" on our living room floor because I'm cleaning out closets in the rest of the house and have the table piled high with things that need to be put somewhere else. Where somewhere else is, I'm not sure.

5) Dusting~ I'm trying to see if I can develop a new breed of dust bunny! I'm going to call it the Speckled Belly Giant.

4) Printing a ton of school stuff~ I'm trying to be a lot more organized than I was last year about school, so over the summer (while we continue to do school) I want to get next year completely laid out and organized.

3) Setting up my sewing machine~ I desperately need to sew my children some clothes lest they become nudists. Summer is on it's way, I hope, and they are in need of clothes that fit.

2) Doing another juice fast~ I really want to do another one, but my excuse is that organic fruits and veggies are too expensive right now. I want to wait for my garden to be producing so I know what I'm drinking. Or, maybe I'm just not ready to give up cake for 3 weeks yet....hmmm.

1) Being productive~ I'm just not pushing myself to be productive today and I should be. I don't like to be lazy and yet I'm finding myself doing it more and more.

The good news is that I just made myself and list of 10 things that I need to do today.

The bad news is that I have to go do them.

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