
Thursday, June 23, 2011

If I'm Not Dead By Sunday.....

This is going to be short, very short, since it's cutting into my naptime. We have been sick y'all, like really sick. I'm not sure what it is, some kind of mutant flu/cold/sinus thing.....all I do know is that we have been struggling with it with one family member or another for a couple weeks now.

In a house with this many people that means not a lot of sleep or rest for me and now I can't seem to shake it. I'm trying to rest and get lots of fluids yada, yada, yada but I wanted you to know that I'll be back to regular posts on Monday. I promise.

Well.....unless I feel worse. So I guess I shouldn't promise anything, but my hope is to be back blogging regularly, everyday on Monday.

Fingers crossed!

Hope to see you here :)


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