
Monday, May 16, 2011

Tattler Reusable Canning Lid Review


I was bunny trialing though the internet one day when I ran across a site that seemed too good to be true. This site said that they had canning lids that were reusable. What the heck? Canning lids are a one time deal. They are by far the most wasteful part of home preservation. Other than making those little snowman faces on them for your Christmas tree they aren't good for much so they get chucked into the trashcan.

I was intrigued. How could I not be with a claim like, "Guaranteed to last a lifetime when using FDA home canning processes." These lids contain no BPA (YAY!!!!), are made in the good Ole USA, are safe to use with water bath canning and pressure canning and are dishwasher safe.

I had to try these, I just had to. I sent off a polite email explaining that I had a blog and that I would love to test and review the product for my readers. Now, I send off a lot of emails like that and I get a lot of "NO's" right back. But to my surprise this one was a "YES! Tell me where to mail them!"

As soon as I got done squealing like a little girl, I sent off my address. Quick as a flash I got these little beauties in my hot little hands.


I made a couple batches of jam to test them out and put them through their paces. These lids work with wide mouth or regular mouth canning jars and come in 2 pieces, a white plastic lid and a rubber ring. To use them there is virtually no difference to traditional 1 piece lids. You scald them with hot water and leave them sitting in the water in a pan while you get your goodies ready to can up.

I put my jam in the jars, wiped down the rim with a damp cloth, set the rubber ring around the edge of the lid, centered it on my jar, held it tight with my finger while I screwed on the ring to finger tight. Then I turned back the lid 1/4 turn just like the instructions said.

After I water bathed my jam, I took out my jars and immediately screwed the rings on tight. Success!!!

Then I got too looking at my jam. A couple jars were kind of.....soupy looking. Hmmm. Upon further investigation I discovered that some water had gotten into them. Why?? What had happened?

Turns out that even though I am quite capable of reading I mis-read 1/4 INCH for 1/4 TURN when I was tightening the lids down before I pooped them into the water bath. Stupid, stupid mistake on my part.

My verdict: Love. Worth the money, worth the couple (easy) extra steps, worth having a product that is going to last and last.
I'm saving my pennies and this is going to be the VERY next major purchase I make. I cannot say enough good things.

Oh, and that watery jam? I refuse to call that a failure. I'm calling it "Strawberry Ice Cream Topping" :)

I have a link on my sidebar should you feel so inclined to go and check them out. I hope that you will, they are a superior product!

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