
Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Kinda, Sorta, Almost Vacation

Tuesday morning, we woke up and we're struck with the sudden desire to go on an overnight road trip. So we did.

We loaded up the car, made arrangements for our 4 legged family members and off we went. We decided to go to Crater Lake, then over to Klamath Falls to stay the night and then on home the next day. Nice easy trip, should be loads of fun, and it was.....except.....

  • There had been a snowstorm the night before and the road to Crater Lake was icy and not advisable to drive up (according to the very nice lady at the visitors booth) and the visibility was 0% to see the actual lake.
  • Crater Lake was our "exercise" stop for the kids. We ended up driving a loooooong time with a 6, a 4 and 2 two year old kids in the car. It pretty much equalled chaos.
  • We stayed in a hotel for the first time ever with 4 kids. Can I just tell you how had it is to get a room for our family? Nearly ever place we went wanted us to rent 2 rooms (and they just happened to be all out of regular ones and only had suites, hmmmm) or refused us altogether.
  • We stayed in a hotel for the first time with 2 kids who have never slept with 1) anyone but each other and 2) in an actual bed. Let's just say bedtime was kind of late and morning came pretty early. I think you can get the picture, eh?
It wasn't a bad trip, it just had it's moments of issues. We kind of decided that we would stick to camping after this unless we really needed to travel somewhere to stay in a hotel :) lol

On a side note, we are kind of obsessed with old barns, so I always take my camera when we go places where I know there will be some. It was pouring down rain so these pictures look a little fuzzy, but I think they are neat anyway.

All in all, it was a good trip. We had a lot of fun despite the various frustrations/setbacks. Now it's back to the daily grind but we feel refreshed and relaxed. It's funny how a couple days doing something different can do that for you!

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