
Sunday, October 3, 2010

We Made It Out Alive

Good morning! Whew, what a week it has been. Busy, busy, busy and then there was some more busy thrown in there. You know what? It's only going to get worse because it's almost that time of year. You know, the HOLIDAYS.
With the joy and togetherness of the holidays comes the other parts of this time of year. The cleaning, the seemingly non-stop shopping-whether it be for food, gifts, or trying to keep enough tape, ribbon and wrap in the house. It can be exhausting!
That's why this year, we are going to make a really big effort to s-l-o-w down the holidays. Keep in mind what they are really about. Cut back on gift giving, focus on family.
I'm already planning out my Christmas presents and making a lot of them myself. I enjoy crafting something for someone and I hope that they enjoy getting something made just for them. If you aren't a crafty person, though, I don't want you to feel left out. There are numerous things you can do for gifts that just take a little time and energy to put together. Gift baskets are a great idea, and don't just go buy one.
Think about the person/family that you are going to be giving it to. What do they do as a hobby? Or as a family? Do they enjoy Movies? Cooking? A certain type of drink, coffee or tea? Build you basket around that, filling it with items that would be special. Make it as expensive or as inexpensive as you wish, it's really up to you. I do have to say that if you choose your themes now and start picking up items until Christmas gets here, you will find some amazing bargains and be able to make a wonderful basket without much expense.

Another good idea is to give a gift certificate for one or two dozen cookies a month. Or maybe brownies. Or just a baked good. This has been really well received by some of the older folks who like having a treat but don't want to make a whole recipe or aren't able to cook for themselves anymore. it would also be a really great idea for a single person. Who doesn't like to get treats?

How about making a craft box or bucket for kids? This has always been EXTREMELY popular in our house. Include crayons, paper, markers, clay or play dough, glitter, glue, safety scissors, felt, yarn or ribbons, pom poms, the list could go on and on.

If you are a little crafty, and even if you aren't- google ornaments and look at all the homemade ones you can make. They range from super simple to very elaborate. A package or ornaments would be a wonderful Christmas gift, especially if you could personalize them for the person or family.

For kids to give to grandparents, have them color a picture and put it between contact paper or have it laminated for a place mat. Colored pictures or drawings also look great when you put them on a picture frame and make cute wall art.

So, those are some of my ideas for you. I encourage you to think about what you are giving this year and to plan ahead. Even if you are buying all of your gifts (and that is certainly JUST FINE) plan ahead, watch sales and get done as early as you can. You wallet and your sanity will thank you.

I will be posting my Christmas crafty stuff as I go along and get them done, maybe you will be inspired to put a little homemade into your holidays as well :)

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