
Monday, October 4, 2010

The Great Debate: Cinnamon Toast In the Oven Or Toaster?

I have always loved cinnamon toast out of the oven. When I was growing up, if my dad wanted cinnamon toast this is what you made him. However, my mom was more of a pop it in the toaster kinda gal.
So, in case you don't know how to make cinnamon toast, this is for you.

Lay out your bread and butter it up.

Liberally sprinkle on cinnamon and sugar.

Pop it under the broiler for a few minutes. Watch it carefully because it will burn the second you take your eyes off of it. Just let it sit in there until it is brown and the butter and sugar is bubbly and hot. Take it out and let it sit on a cooling rack for a minute or two, if you put it on a plate the bottom will get all soggy. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times- No one wants a soggy bottom!

There you have it folks, cinnamon toast.

Go make some!

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