
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Top 10

It's top 10 time again!

Let's see, how about.....

Top 10 Things I Love About Fall

1) Cooler mornings- I can bake or cook in the morning and the house won't get hot. Pancakes for breakfast again!

2) The leaves changing colors.

3) Pumpkin bread, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bars....need I go on? Fresh pumpkin is amazing.

4) More home style meals and less BBQ. I love to cook out but by the time the summer is over, I want to use my stove again.

5) Fresh baked bread EVERYDAY.

6) Simmering cinnamon sticks and orange peels on the wood stove.

7) Apple pies.

8) Getting ready for the holidays.

9) It doesn't get light as early so I get to sleep in later!

And the last reason I love fall.....

10) The smell of woodsmoke in the air from every one's fires. It is just so comforting to me.

Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. Hey Charley, you know what would be kind of neat? If you had the time... In honor of your #3 top ten things you love about fall (pumpkin), you should do like a pumpkin recipe a week.. that way we are all ready to use our pumpkins before and after the halloween harvest :) I think it would be pretty cool, anyway! :)

  2. I have a whole weeks worth of pumpkin recipes I could do. How about I do pumpkin week next week? I'm all for that, it is one of my favorite things after all ;)

  3. That sounds delicious! As soon as I read pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies and pumpkin cheesecake in your top ten my mouth was watering! The cookies and bars might actually even be something I could pull

  4. You can totally do it! I have every faith in you!


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