
Monday, August 16, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday

We took the kids to the county fair a couple weeks ago and they had a blast.

Looking at baby piglets.

She was amazed by the babies.

Fair food is Good Food!

Looking at the baby dairy calves.

It's ride time!

Getting ready to go...

So excited. It's the first year Lainee was big enough for any rides and she loved them!

All done! They had such a good time. It was a super good family day.

I don't know about y'all, but life has hit us full force around here. I'm busy from the time I get up until I force myself to go to bed these days. What with the remodel, kids, getting homeschool stuff together and trying to keep us all in clean clothes, we are running at full speed. I would love to post more right now, but I'm not getting a lot of chances to take a lot of pictures, or cook much (ACK, this heat lately!) so I'm just doing the best I can while our world is spinning like crazy. Please stick with me! I promise to get back on a better posting schedule and get back to being here more often.

Thank you for stopping by everyday, I appreciate each and every one of you!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! My grand-nieces are dragonriders. You'll have more time to post as the days get shorter.


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