
Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Fun!

Sugar Cookies. Yum!

As part of my kids' new punishment/rewards program we are trying out, I decided to do a hands on art/craft on Fridays as a reward.

This week I decided to do something that we could do together and use as dessert. They wanted to do cookies, I needed to make it kind of special for them so I decided on cut out sugar cookies that they could decorate with icing.

I baked the cookies while they were playing outside this morning (while it was cool) and let them cool off. I tucked them away in a plastic zip top bag and waited for nap time.

We whipped up a batch of blue icing and started in. There was a lot of finger lickin' going on. That's why I don't let them help when I make baked goods for other people!

She tries really hard, and for being 3 I think she does a pretty good job.

Smear it on there!

My Jack-O-Lantern showing off her cookie.

If she loses anymore teeth, there won't be much cookie eating for her!

It was a good day, I highly recommend cooking with your kids. They gain self confidence by doing a job and it's fun.

And eating your work isn't half bad either ;)


  1. Speakin' of Jack-o-Lanterns, how are your pumpkins doing? We've got a bang up crop and will be scratching names soon, would like to do a set for the little girls.

  2. Our garden is pretty much dead. Probably because we stopped watering it :) Feel free to do a set for them, they always like to see them!

  3. what are their names again? .....

    Just kidding, guess I better do one for Memaw and EE too?

  4. they are back to calling me mimi again :(


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