
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bathroom Remodel-Part 1

We are remodeling our bathroom. I have never been so happy in all my life. Our bathroom was added to our house in 1964 if the date in the concrete is to be believed, and it was added on poorly. The bathroom itself sits a foot lower than the rest of the house, meaning that you have to step down TWICE to get to it. It was put right onto a concrete slab and it was not insulated. The result? Boiling hot in the summer and freezing in the winter. Like ice on the INSIDE of the windows cold.

So here is what we started with:

We ripped off the walls.

Then we ripped off the roof.

Remodeling is a messy business, especially on old houses.

As you can see, the back addition was just slapped on and they put whatever kind of siding on it that they could find. It was a big, giant ugly eyesore and I'm glad that we are making the new addition look like it belongs on the house. The part where the ladder is has been removed and is where our current bathroom is now. That means that we have one wall that's got a tarp covering it. It's like an inside-outhouse.

This is the new, roughed in bathroom. The part behind KayCee is the tub/shower.

We are going to have a double vanity in this corner with one vanity under a mirror and the other under the window.

There will be a window here above my counter height folding table. The table will have open shelves for storage underneath it. Since the washer and dryer willbe in the bathroom, we thought it was a good idea to have somewhere to fold the clothes in there. And iron. Cause I iron all the time, ya know.

And maybe if I am really, really nice to him, Kevin will even put a roof over it all.


  1. that's what you call having some blue sky.

  2. Just keep praying it doesn't rain for a couple weeks!


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