
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Top 10

Top 10 Things I Hate About:

Living In Town

1) No privacy. I would like to lay myself in my lawn and NOT feel self-conscious about who might drive by and see my chubby white legs.

2) Having to yell at my kids for looking into the neighbors yards. They don't just curiously check them out, they plaster themselves to the fence like weird little starfish and stare for all they are worth.

3) Bad neighbors. Need I say more?

4) Waving. I hate all the waving that goes on. I find myself doing one of two things, 1) avoiding eye contact with anyone or 2) not going outside to avoid having to wave at anyone.

5) Everyone knows what you are doing, "Oh, did you see the mess in the Cooke's front yard? I wonder if they are doing another project or just boycotting the dump!?"

6) You simple cannot have a good, healthy argument with your spouse without the neighbors knowing exactly what you are arguing about.

7) The kids can't go outside naked. This may not seem like a big deal, or maybe even weird, but if a 2 year old wants to go play in the sprinkler, they should be able to without being the people-at-the-end-of-the-street-who's-kids-are-always-outside-naked people.

8) The traffic.

9) The people who walk by and taunt your dog to the point that your dog no longer likes ANYONE.

10) The smells. Town just stinks, in one way or another. Someone is always burning something, or needs to take their trash to the dump, or needs to clean their yard, or needs one less dog, etc, etc, etc.

If you enjoy living in town, please disregard this post.

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