
Monday, July 19, 2010

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Today, like all days, I have many chores to do around the house. The number of these chores that I get done directly depends on what my children are up to.

For example: I cleaned the kitchen this morning, scrubbing down the counters, doing the dishes. all the usual stuff. I moved on to the living room where I was going to scrub down our floors. That required moving 15 tons of dirt and garbage from underneath our furniture and then sweeping.

As  I was washing our living room floors (on hands and knees, I might add), my little lovelies got on the kitchen counter and dumped out some spices and cocoa powder. Onto the kitchen counter, you know the one I just cleaned?

So, I hauled myself off the living room floor and into the kitchen to clean the kids and the counter again. In the meantime they ran their little cocoa covered selves right into the living room and onto.....yup, you guessed it. The wet floor. So there were little cocoa tracks all over the living room.

Back to the living room I went. But, while I was cleaning up that mess, they got into the fridge and "poured" themselves some milk. All. Over. The. Floor.

Can you see where this is going?

Tonight when my pruny little hands go to bed, I'm going to dream of a castle on a hill. On the door of the castle is going to have a little sign.

It reads: "NO kids allowed!"

And I'm going to sleep peacefully, with a smile on my face.


  1. It reminds me of the scene in Cinderella when Lucifer makes muddy paw prints all over the floor she just scrubbed. (I LOVED Cinderella when I was a kid. I pretty much have it memorized. And it was the only movie I owned)
    Thanks for the comment on my blog :)

  2. It sure fely like a Cinderella kind of day! My girls love that movie.
    you are welcome for the comment, you really do have a cute blog! :)


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