
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So, I am thinking about some things. This can be very dangerous for me, it's how I get myself into trouble. But, I am kicking around the idea of starting another blog.

I know, I already have a blog. I just think that it might be nice to have a separate blog for just food. That way the people and family that want to just read about my family and life, can. The people that want to know more about my cooking, canning, baking and adventures in the kitchen can keep up with those.

So, I want to know- what do you think? Would you like to see two separate blogs, one for life and one for food?

or do you like them combined and together?

Let me know, I want to know what you would all want!


  1. If anyone has had any problems commenting, I think I have it fixed now. Maybe.

  2. NO! Family and cooking goes together!


  3. Sadie you crack me up! I think I'm just going to change my cooking section to Cooke Cooks and make sure I get all my recipes in there. :)


I LOVE hearing from you, but please keep it clean and respectful. Thank you :)