
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Butter is Better, Baby!

My children are percolating in the bathtub right now because they decided that it would be a fantastic idea to stand on the counter, rub butter all over themselves and my cookbooks, cabinets and counter top.

I am not looking forward to cleaning this mess up, let me tell you. I will be forever in awe of how a 2 year olds mind works. Why? Is this fun? I have never rubbed butter all over anything except a dinner roll in my whole life, so I'm just not sure what to think.

I guess this vinegar needed a little something extra, eh? And you know butter makes everything better.....maybe they wanted some pickles? I don't know....

And then the poor salt. Poor, Poor salt.
This is not going to be very easy to clean up, and I know once I start a project like this I'll find another something that needs cleaned and then another, and another until I'm left with nothing but scrubbing out the dog bowls.

So, it looks like I have a busy day of housework and butter removal.

What else did I have to do anyway though, right? Right.

I think I'll go suck my thumb now.

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