
Monday, July 12, 2010



My husband loves coleslaw from KFC. The recipes I had in my cookbooks didn't even come close to tasting the same and no amount of tweaking was getting us any nearer. So, I did what I do when I need to know how to make something. I googled it. And boy, was I ever amazed at the number of recipes that popped up! They were all very similar, so I'm guessing that at some point they all started from a singular recipe, maybe out of a cookbook, I'm just not sure which one.

This is some of the best coleslaw I have ever eaten. Not too sweet, not too sour, just right. And easy. And CHEAP! I love it when good, homemade things are easy on the budget.

Let's get started, shall we?

You will need:
 1 medium sized head of green cabbage
1 medium carrot
2 Tablespoons grated onion, juice and all
1/2 cup mayo
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup sugar
2 1/2 Tablespoons lemon juice
1 1/2 Tablespoons white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper

Shred up the cabbage and carrot. It needs to be pretty small, about the size of rice. Then to get all the onion juice in the mix, I grated the onion right over the top of my cabbage/carrot pile.

When I was done it looked like this:

I had a little bit of red cabbage left over in the fridge so I used it up. I ended up with about 7 1/2 cups of cabbage and 3/4 cup of carrot. But, really, the dressing probably could have taken up to another cup or so. It's very forgiving.

Next I mixed everything else together in a bowl:

Please forgive the dark picture. Someday I will remember not to use my favorite (and very dark red!) bowl when I take pictures. The sides are just too high and the bowl is too dark to get good ones.

Now, we just mix everything together and put it in a bowl in the fridge for AT LEAST 2 hours. This is important. If you don't let it work in there it will not get that delicious creamy texture. The cabbage needs time to break down and release it's juices. Boy, are cabbages juicy.

When you take it out of the fridge you will have something that looks like this:

And it will taste like heaven.

Make some for dinner soon, it goes so well with everything off the grill and is so easy. I love that it is make ahead and can just sit in the refrigerator all day while you are busy doing more important things.

*If you do not have buttermilk, don't let that stop you. Simply put about 3/4teaspoon of lemon juice in a measuring cup and fill in the remaining 1/4 cup with milk. Stir and let sit for about 5 min and you will have a pretty close approximation of buttermilk. Easy peasy!

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