
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

All Juice, All The Time

OK, so it's really no big secret that I am on a mission to lose all the weight I gained while having my 4 babies. As anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows, it can be frustrating.

A couple weeks ago I had hit a weight-loss plateau. I was kicking around the idea of doing a cleanse of some sort to kind of rid myself of some toxins. I had never done anything like that before and I didn't know if it would really work. I know plenty of people who swear by them and an equal number of people who think they are a giant scheme. So, I hit the internet and somehow found all sorts of places talking about a 21 day fast. Apparently this is hot right now because it was everywhere I looked.

When I started really looking into it I could see that it wasn't really a 21 day fast, but rather an 8 day juice fast, some raw food eating and then a gradual re-introduction into cooked foods.

So I decided to do it. I'm going to outline the 8 day juice fast for you now, as I am on the last day of it and feel that a little reflection would do me some good.

Day 1- It feels a little strange to know that all you can drink is vegetable and fruit juice. I was starving. Beyond hungry. I was so ready to give up and quit. I felt waterlogged, bloated and uncomfortable. See, you have to drink the same amount of water first, before you drink your juice, to dilute it. But you get as much as you want.

Day 2- I have at this point just started to chug the juice. Vegetable juice is not as tasty as I had imagined it to be, and I feel left out at meal times. Why can't I have a taco? It just isn't fair! I want to quit and throw the juicer out the window.

Day 3- I really want to eat some real food, but juicing is getting easier. I have found some combos that I really like. I'm starting to see some results already, I have dropped 6 pounds, I feel less puffy and my fingers and ankles aren't swollen in the morning anymore. That's a plus!!!

Day 4- Today was the hardest. I want to eat a hamburger with the rest of my family. I get in a giant fight with my husband because I want to quit. He supports my decision and it makes me angry. I'm ready to throw in the towel when he utters these words "I knew you would quit anyway." Now I have to finish to prove him wrong.

Day 5- Easy peasy. I have just incorporated juice into my world. Sure it would be nice to actually chew something, but I'm OK with the juice. The juice and I have become one. It's all very zen.

Day 6- I'm starting to feel pretty good now. I have more energy. Juicing isn't a problem anymore. Weight loss is up to 9 pounds.

Day 7- Another golden day. Juice tastes good now. I haven't once craved sweets, or soda or junk food this whole time. These were my Achilles heal, these are what has helped me balloon to this size. And you wanna know something? I was in the walmarts grocery shopping and they were bringing out donuts. I could smell them. I didn't even want one. No joke.

Day 8- Today. Feel so good. Weight loss at 15 pounds. I still have a long way to go but it's nice to feel so good for once. I have more energy, I'm not sleepy in the middle of the day, I have almost completely lost the horrid dark circles under my eyes.

I start the next phase of my "fast" tomorrow, all raw food for 3 days. I'm half scared to eat real food. But, I'm excited to see what the next phase will bring me.

I know this was a long post, but I wanted to share what I have been up to in my crazy little world. And for you to see that you really can do anything you put your mind to, even drinking nothing but juice for 8 days.

*On a side note, I will never be doing this again. Ever. Once is enough! But if you want to do it, I highly recommend it. You will feel fabulous!


  1. I have often felt like doing something similar. Just the other day I was thinking that I wanted to try a cleansing product. I tried one once before, but only lasted a couple of days. But I feel I really need to do something! Thank you for posting about the 8 days of juicing. What are some of the combonations you found that were good? I have a juicer, even a juicing book. But never seem able to want to take it out and juice anything! I asked for it for mothers day last year!! I used it once - it has sat since then! One of my problems that I have is that I don't do the grocery shopping. But I may have to just go and get stuff for my self...
    anyway, it is good to hear how other people do on fasting and cleansing..
    stick with it!!

  2. Good combos have been:
    Tomato, carrot, spinach and apple
    Carrot, red cabbage, orange
    apple, pineapple, strawberry and grape
    zuchinni, orange, cucumber and carrot
    Also, any vegetable that you don't think you are going to like, add some watermelon to it. Makes it so fresh and sweet!
    I'm glad I did the fast, but I have to admit I'm looking forward to having some food to CHEW! Even if it has to all be raw. But, after these 3 days I can start having 25% cooked food for the last 10 days. I feel some yogurt coming soon! LOL


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