
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Leftovers are Our Friend

This was our dinner last night. I got the recipe over at Chickens In The Road and thought that they looked delicious.

My family thought they were really good, so I wanted to pass them on to you because they are such a good use for leftovers.

Georgia's Easy Lunch Rolls

Approximately 1 dozen rolls
1/2 pound sliced or shredded meat
1/2 pound sliced or shredded cheese
1 cup melted butter
1 teaspoon dried onion
1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon prepared mustard (or hot pepper butter)

As you can see from the ingredients list, there is a lot of wiggle room in this recipe. Use what you have, improvise and make it work. Aren't those usually the best recipes anyway? I can just see a lot of different combinations of meat/cheese/butter deliciousness happening.

OK, let's get cookin'. Melt the butter, onion, worcestershire sauce and mustard. I didn't have any worcestershire sauce, so I left it out this time. I had to use onion powder because I was out of dried (I used it up in hamburger buns). I also had a small sample-sized jar of onion and pepper relish hanging around, so I threw that in there too.


Spray a 9x13 inch pan with non stick spray. Split the rolls and put the bottoms in the pan:

I squished 15 into this pan because I had made a double batch for Father's Day and this is what we had leftover. I thought it worked out just fine.

Next, you layer on the cheese. I used a pepper jack/Monteray jack combo. I would have used a cheddar for better color contrast, but I didn't have any. I'm being frugal and using what's in the fridge. Plus, I'm using chicken and I thought it would be good.


Spread on your meat of choice,

And drizzle on 1/3 of the butter mixture.

Pop the tops back on these little babies and pour the rest of the butter mixture on. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight. Now, she said that she doesn't always do this and I can see how it would be fine. I think you would get the same flavor either way. I made mine in the morning and left them in the fridge until dinner.

When you are ready to eat, put them in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes.

This was a very simple recipe, very tasty, kid tested and approved and best of all, it uses up leftovers. That little bit of chicken or roast can become something substantial and filling! That makes me and my budget happy.

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