
Saturday, June 12, 2010


Today I want to share with you my favorite cookbooks. I have about 50 cookbooks, and I use all of them for something. Some are strictly bread, some are pastry, or only savory. There are also grilling, vegetarian and cast iron cooking.

BUT I have what I lovingly refer to as "the green one", "the family one" and "the old one".

Here they are:

Don't they look USED?

Look at this poor cookbook,

It is literally falling apart. But that's OK, I can handle that.

This page gets used a lot. Delicious pancakes are indeed, delicious.

I use the brownie recipe quite frequently! Can you tell from the cocoa smeared on the page???

There they are, my lovelies. If our house burned down these would be the one item (BESIDES my kids) that I would take out of my house. I love them so much I would walk through flames for them.
I would.

I will be posting more of the cookbooks that I use later this month, there are just to many that I "like" to do all in one post!!!!

Do you have a cookbook you couldn't live without?

Tell me about them!

1 comment:

  1. Your mom, uncle Todd and I used to pour over the Christian home and mennonite cookbooks when we were children, deciding what we were going to try on a rainy day.


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