
Monday, June 7, 2010

Best Laid Plans

I woke up this morning and it was BEAUTIFUL outside. The angels were singing, the birds were chirping and I was doing my own brand of happy dance.

I hurried my children through breakfast, scrubbed them down and dressed them up. I was going to get some good pictures of those little buggars today......

Goes to show you how little I have learned.

I got frustrated after about 10 minutes and countless posing. They won't even sit close to each other as a group! "She's touching me!" She's on my side!" "Don't make me be by HER!"

So I ended up with really cute kids and pictures like this:


Yup, that’s super nice.
How ‘bout this?

Nice face.
She refused to have her picture taken.

She threw her shoes off the deck.

This was the last one I took. When they start flossing their teeth, it’s pretty well over….

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm not really sure why this posted again today....I didn't do it so I'm not sure what's up. Nothing has changed though, sorry!!!


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