
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Fresh Bread Friday Blog Hop

I'm absolutely convinced that if more people made bread, the world would be a happier place. First, the thrill you get from learning the skill of breadbaking is amazing. Second, the satisfaction you get from seeing others eat and enjoy your bread is like nothing else. Third, it's an economical first step towards being more self sufficient.

I want everyone to know the joy and the satisfaction of baking bread, so I have created "Fresh Bread Friday" here. Every week, I'll showcase a bread recipe that you can try out during the following week. In turn, I'll ask other bloggers to come on over and link up ANY recipe they have made that week, so we'll end up with a bunch (hopefully) of diverse and different recipes to try out and enjoy.

I want everyone to experience the joy of baking bread. I hope Fresh Bread Friday spurs you on to baking bread for your family.

I'm going to share a past recipe from the blog archives today, one for Whole Wheat Onion Bagels. These are chewy, delicious and absolutely worth making. Don't let the steps involved scare you away, making bagels is not hard at all!

You can get the recipe and my explanation of the process by clicking here: Whole Wheat Onion Bagels

That's my recipe for this week, I cannot wait to see what gets linked up this week :) Feel free to grab the button below and let everyone know you participate in Fresh Bread Friday!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Cooke'sFrontier" width="125" height="125" /></a>

*Read my Disclosure


  1. Tammy Trayer told me about this hop, so I thought I would share my Ultimate Sourdough Corn Muffins! Hope you like them!

    1. Thank you! I so appreciate you coming to link up, I hope to see you again next week :)

  2. oh, my, that onion bagel looks fabulous! I'm sharing a family holiday tradition - church window cookies. Thanks so much for hosting!

    1. They are delicious! Thank you so much for linking up, those cookies look SO GOOD!!

  3. Hi Charley! Sooo sorry I'm late to the party--for some reason I forget to do blog hops on Fridays (even my own, ha ha!), and then the weekends get busy! Will try to make sure to get here much earlier next time. Thanks for the party--hope you are doing well!

    1. Hi Kristi! No worries, it's open all week long just because I know everyone gets so busy. I'm doing great and thank you for linking up :)


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