
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Fall Rush

Since it's officially Fall, I thought I would offer some pictures that you can download and make your screen savers if you want. From me to you :)

Fall is the time of year that is possibly busier than any other time of year. Preserving is still in full swing, and if it's possible, has hit an even more frantic pace. The instinct to put food by die hard in this human, that's for sure!

Then there is the firewood cutting, the fall butchering of animals (we have a steer to put in the freezer this year), battening down the hatches of the house. Making sure the yard is cleaned up from a summer's abuse of mud pies and swimming pools. Cleaning off the decks so there aren't any nasty surprises to step on when it snows. Tilling the garden under. Hatching a financial plan to get us through the last of the birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

A Fall cleaning of the house. Getting rid of the clutter before we're all stuck inside all day. Making new routines that have creative inside play scheduled in so the little ones (and mom) don't go stir crazy. New rain boots, coats, socks and mittens.

My big yarn projects come back out. The sewing machine makes an appearance so I can whip up gifts, decorations and other fun stuff. Cozy blankets make their way to the backs of the couches, extra quilts go on the beds.

Can you tell Fall is one of my most favorite times of year? My cupboards are stocked with Chai, Pumpkin Spice and Apple Cinnamon teas. A big batch of hot cocoa mix has been made, marshmallows have been stocked up and apple cider is ready to be put in the crockpot to cook all day while we're out.

Most of all, the changing of seasons changes the way I look at things. Another year has come to an end. Did I do enough? Did I work hard enough? What can I do to make my family more comfortable? It's a time to not only clean your physical house, but your spiritual one as well. A new season is a new start, as well as an end.

It's easy to be melancholy and think about how my kids will never be this small again, because even tomorrow they will be bigger than they were today. Instead of falling into that trap, I choose to spend every day reminding myself that time can never be gotten back. Today needs to count because there aren't any do-overs.

More than anything Fall is the gateway to the slow down. The family time that comes with the Holidays, the games and fun that happens when it's wet and no one wants to go outside to do anything. The movies to snuggle up and watch, the big dinners to cook and enjoy. The family to love and the friends to cherish. Road trips, crackling fires and warm drinks. The colors of the leaves, the smell of wood smoke in the air and the crisp air.....

I love Fall!


  1. Great perspective. I usually protest the coming of fall then winter. Thanks for the post. It gives me something to ponder.


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