
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fry Bread and It's Many Uses

One of the best memories I have of being in 4-H was being at fair at night. The lights and the laughter, the noise and the people all trying to get to one place or another in an excited crush was such fun. But, best of all was auction night, the night we sold our animals that we had raised all year. The beef steers went first and then the pigs, and the auction often went on past the closing of fair. If you knew all of the secrets though you would know that the fry bread booth always made too many fry breads that night and if you were lucky enough to walk past there after closing they would sell them to us for $1.00! It was almost a game to see if you could get one of the cheap eats. lol

Fast forward a few years (ahem) and my love affair with the fry bread hasn't changed. It's just that now I know they can be so much more than just a deliciously hot, butter slathered, cinnamon and sugar sprinkled fair food.

They can be dinner!

They can be dessert!

They can be breakfast!

They can be anything in between!

They are a yeasted dough BUT they only raise once and after that you are golden. Leftover dough can be kept wrapped well in the fridge overnight if needed.

One of our favorite ways to eat fry bread is to make Navajo Tacos out of them and it's the dish pictured in the dish at the top of the post.

Basic Fry Bread
recipe halved from the one found here.

2 1/2 cups warm water
1 1/2 teaspoons yeast
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 cup oil + 2 tablespoons oil
6 cups flour

Mix the first 3 ingredients in a large bowl. Let sit until the yeast starts to bubble. Stir in the sal, oil and 4 cups of the flour. Mix well. Add in the remaining 2 cups of flour a little at a time, until the dough is no longer sticky. You might not use it all. Let rise for 1 hour. Scoop out pieces the size of an apple or small orange and roll out to 1/4 inch thickness. Fry in 350 degree oil for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Proceed with your recipe!

To make these into Navajo Tacos, spread each shell with refried beans, ground beef, ground turkey or chicken, shredded beef, chicken or pork seasoned with taco seasoning, shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, diced onions, olives, avocado chunks, cilantro, sour cream, guacamole, salsa, hot sauce or whatever else you enjoy on your taco.

To make these into County Fair Style Fry Breads, spread each shell with melted butter, and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, powdered sugar, honey or a combination of your choice.

To make these into Dessert Scones, top with warm pie filling, a scoop of ice cream and a sprinkle of powdered suagr.

To make these into a Snack, add whatever you want! Be creative and you won't be disappointed.

Who needs to pay fair prices for fun treats when they are this easy to make at home??? Make some today, they are so good and so easy. Your family will love them :)


  1. When I was pregnant with my youngest son, I craved elephant ears so bad! This is awesome!

  2. Glad you like it, they are fantastic :) Now you can make them all the time! LOL Thanks for leaving a comment!


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