
Thursday, March 22, 2012

More DIY Cleaning Products

I'm finding out that my most favorite things to clean with are the things I can make myself.. The cleaning products that I'm using are just working better than their bought counterparts. Plus, they are cheap and almost absolutely harmless if swallowed, inhaled, come in contact with eyes or skin. I like that a lot since the kids usually help me clean. I don't have to worry about someone licking a table covered in chemicals.

In no particular order, here are some more DIY helps for around the house:

Bleach Alternative

recipe found here, check out her site! Tons of good things to be found there.

1 1/2 cups peroxide (just the kind you buy at the grocery store)
1/2 cup vinegar or lemon juice
Enough water to fill a gallon jug
Lemon essential oil, you can omit this if you use lemon juice.

Put the peroxide, vinegar (or lemon juice), and essential oil (if using) into a clean gallon jug. Put on the cap and shake. Fill with water and store. From reading the comments on the original blog, it looks like if you make it with vinegar it will last forever and a day. If you make it with lemon juice it has a 3-4 week shelf life. To use, add 1 cup to your bleach compartment. This is a color safe bleach alternative so have at it!

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

There are a lot of recipes out there for this, and you either hate it or you love it. This is the way I make and use mine, and it works GREAT with our dishes, our dishwasher and I have had no problems. However, your results may vary. It's so cheap though I think it's worth a try :)

1 cup washing soda
1 cup course kosher salt OR course sea salt
1/2 cup borax
10 drops lemon, orange or grapefruit essential oil- completely optional

Mix it all together and store in an airtight container.. To use, fill your dishwasher detergent compartment to the recommended level and -THIS IS IMPORTANT- fill your rinse aid compartment with regular, plain white vinegar. Keep that sucker filled up because it's what helps to rinse your dishes clean.

A word of warning here~ this is not a chemical laden recipe for detergent. If you leave, say, oatmeal in a pan or bowl for 2-3 days in your sink, this detergent is not going to clean it. Just so you know.....

Homemade Stain Remover
recipe found here, but I've seen it all over the internet for a while now as well as on Pinterest.

2 cups water
1 cup peroxide
1 cup baking soda

Mix it all up, pour it into a spray bottle and keep it near your laundry. Pre treat stains by spraying it on, but be sure to shake the bottle well so no clumps of baking soda clog up your sprayer. That's it :)

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