
Monday, March 12, 2012

Homemade WIndow Cleaner

I'm always looking for ways to clean my house that are greener, safer and cheaper than what I can buy at the store. While I have been generally happy with my mixture of alcohol, vinegar and water for cleaning the windows, sometimes that particular recipe has a hard time cleaning the various crud that gets on the glass from the smallest of the humans who live here.

Enter this recipe! I cannot say enough good things about it. It cleans to a sparkling shine and is cheap, cheap, cheap. Did I mention that it's cheap? Don't let the cornstarch in there scare you off, it may be an odd ingredient but it WORKS.

Nothing makes a house look happier that having sparkling clean windows. They are kind of like the crown jewels of your home. I found this recipe here, at Crunchy Betty, and I cannot thank her enough. It really is amazing stuff.

Window Cleaner

2 cups warm water
1 Tablespoon corn starch
1/4 cup alcohol
1/4 cup vinegar

Mix it all together win a spray bottle and shake well. Shake well before each and every use or the clumps of corn starch may clump up your spray nozzle.

Go clean your windows so you can see how great this works! They'll shine and be so pretty you won't believe that you've been spending all that money on a commercial window cleaner that was just ho-hum. I think I'm in love :)


  1. We quite have the same fascination with homemade cleaning solutions that are eco-friendly. ^_^ To clean my windows, I use pieces of crumpled newspaper to prevent streaking and get that polished look on the window glass. Also, I add soap to the cleaning mixture I use at home.

    Verna Lucas

  2. I always use newspaper as well! If I can keep the kids and dogs from pressing their faces and hands against the glass, I can get away without using any soap to my mixture. However, when they are dirty a couple drops of the blue Dawn (or a knock of if) does the trick! Thanks for leaving a comment :)

  3. Very interesting...I will give this a try!


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