
Thursday, March 29, 2012

DIY Deodorant (Yes, Deodorant)

The metals that are present in purchased deodorants are frightening. Now that I have eliminated lotions, toothpaste and lip care products from my list of "to-buy" I decided it was time for deodorant.

Here it is in all of it's glory. Don't be put off by the color, you can have an all white deodorant just like you are used to, I used an optional (but very good for you) ingredient and it made mine turn kind of murky looking. I'll take murky looking over toxic any day, thank you very much.

So, I do what I always do when I need a new recipe for something. I Googled it. Honestly, Google has turned me on to some of my all time favorite blogs and this is another one that I just love. Keeper of the Home is a fantastic blog and is filled with a wealth of information, since I found it so helpful I thought I should pass it on to you. The recipe we are going to make comes from the fantastic blog and can be found here. I did change it just ever so slightly to reflect some ingredients that I wanted to add, but I'll put those in parenthesis so you can see what I did vs the original and decide for yourself.

A word of caution: sometimes going to an all natural product will cause you to go through an adjustment period. Don't be scared of trying something because of the adjustment period. Give it a month or so before you decide if you like it or not. If you've ever done the No Poo Challenge for your hair, you'll know what I'm talking about.

It couldn't be easier.

1/8 cup arrowroot (I used Bentonite Clay)
1/8 cup baking soda
2 1/2 Tablespoons coconut oil
1 heaping Tablespoon beeswax
8 drops Tea Tree essential oil
8 drops Lavender Essential oil (I used all Tea tree)
8-10 drops other essential oil for scent purposes (totally optional)

Mix everything except the essential oils in a small saucepan and heat over low until it melts. Take it off the heat and add in the essential oil and give it a nice stir. Pour it into your used (clean) deodorant container and let it set up. Now you have deodorant :)

She does caution that you do not want to turn the deodorant up very high when you are using it because it isn't as hard as a commercial deodorant and it will squish over the edges. If your house gets really, really warm you may have to put it into the fridge to keep it firm, but other than that you should be good to go.

I wonder what else I can make?  Hmm.....

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