
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentines Day Crafting~ Day 1

Because my girls are home schooled, I try to do all the "class parties" that they would have if they were in public school. 1) because they are fun and 2) because we get to make tons of crafts and nothing motivates them like the promise of a craft project. I try to choose crafts that they can all do, with a couple special ones just for the big girls to do during nap time.

Our first project was a hanging heart string. Basically, you cut out a BUNCH of hearts in whatever size and color you want, glue them to a piece of yarn and hang them from the ceiling. But.....they way you glue them is a little different. I used it as a lesson in patterning, but you wouldn't have to do that.

To get started, cut a piece of yarn to your desired length. It doesn't matter what color it is, you aren't going to see any of it, or if you do it won't be much.

Cover one side of a heart completely with glue. Lay it under the yarn and center the yarn down the middle of the heart.

Take 2 more hearts and fold them in half. Matching the folded hearts with the flat heart, press one side onto the glue. Hold down the other 2 sides.

Cover the sides with glue and stick them together.

When they have as many hearts on each string as you want, hang them from the the ceiling, light fixtures or make a really long one to use as a streamer!

This was a great craft. The girls needed to properly use scissors, glue and they had to practice precision as well as patterns. That's a lot of learning and skills to pack into one fun project.

I now have 5 of these hanging from my dining room light above our table, they are pretty stinking' adorable :)

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