
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Scenes From My Windows

Since the rain won't stop and I haven't gotten the canoe out so we can venture farther than the front porch, here are some things I have seen this week from my windows.

Drips. Everything is dripping wet.

Clouds and fog, the story of our winter lives :)

The girls use this pan to "cook" outside when they play. You can see the remnants of a mud pie in the bottom. Our lilac bush is reflected in the collected water.

Trains are running during the day again. I used to really be bothered by the clickity-clack and banging of them, but now I don't really hear it and it just sounds like home!

They would really like it to stop raining so they can play in mud puddles :)


  1. Although it feels lonely to stare outside the windows during the rainy days, it gets warmer when there's a cup of hot coffee or cocoa while waiting for the drizzle to stop. Have you and your children tried that while looking outside the window? It's a very good way to while away the time. You can even swap stories while enjoying the hot drinks.

  2. I've lived in Oregon all my life and all it does here for about 5 months is rain so I don't find it all that lonely really. We don't spend a lot of time staring at the rain, but when we do we always have hot cocoa :)


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