
Friday, January 13, 2012

Burnin' Up

Dusk on the old homestead.

We've been busy little people today. Winter has been mild (have I told you that yet?) and we try to take advantage of the days while they are here. Since everything isn't soaking wet, clean up is a lot easier.

Some of you know that we have been remodeling this house since we moved in. When you remodel and do handy projects on your days off and weekends, messes seem to pile up. You don't have time to go to the dump or take care of the mess because you are trying to fit in 3 days worth of work into 1 day.

Small piles become large ones, stacks of wood start to have offspring, bags and boxes pile up here and there. Pretty soon the piles all run together and you look like a junk yard exploded in your yard/behind your house/everywhere.

In an effort to get our junk cleaned up, we started a burn pile today. Very fun for everyone involved. Find junk! Throw it on the pile! Burn!!! Who doesn't like a good fire? Be honest, fire is fun. It's dangerous, deadly and not to be taken lightly....but still fun.

So, that's what we did today. We burned junk.

And you know what we found out?

Fire attracts midget hobos! Who woulda thunk it??!!

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