
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Holiday Stress Relief

Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite holidays. I love making the special food for my family and friends. I love how holidays seem to be a little brighter, a little clearer, a little more special than all the other days. I like all the build-up and the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of my labor enjoyed. I love almost everything about it.


Except for the stress. I'm not a perfectionist. My house will not be in tip-top shape for Thanksgiving and anyone who knows me knows that. We probably won't get dressed until we have to leave our house to milk in the evening. We'll eat too much, watch too much tv and likely take a nap.

And yet I've still felt stress. What if it's not good enough? What if I burn the tasty turkey? What if someone unexpected drops by?

This year I've decided to let go of the anxiety. If I mess u the food this will become the year that mom burnt the turkey, or the stuffing was dry or the potatoes never got done, or the gravy was forgotten on the stove. It will become a family joke in the years to come, "Uh-oh better watch mom, remember the year she burnt the turkey?" It's fine. It's fine because it's not about how good the food is (although it is my pride and joy to set a delicious and bountiful table).

It's not about the cost, the gifts, the fancy place settings, dressing up.

It's about having a place to live, a warm place to lay our heads at night, a full belly at days end. It's about being together, because lets face it....we don't know that we will all be together tomorrow, and just BEING there.

It's about counting your blessings that the Lord has sent you and taking stock of how you have accepted them. Reflection. Resolution. Not letting one minute pass without being thankful.

It's remembering to be thankful and joyous ALL the days of the year and not just when you are expected to be.

It's about love~ and I love each and every one of you who read this, who pass this on and who take the time to visit this blog all year.

I'm thankful for you.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from all of us :)

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