
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday Morning Cartoons

Saturday morning always meant cartoons when I was little~ and I don't mean what they call cartoons today. I get so disgusted when I watch cartoons with my kids now. Everything has to have a lesson or a moral to the story. I'm not suggesting that there SHOULDN'T be lessons and moral stories in children's lives, I just don't get it in cartoons. Cartoons are just an amusing waste of time. Period.

For my girls cartoons are a little different. Since we don't have cable or satellite, they are confined to what Netflix has to choose from. The other day I was looking around and found some old Popeye for them to watch and that generated a suggestion for a 3 1/2 hour block of cartoons called "Cartoons that time forgot". These are oldies, from the '30's and they are so good! Some of them are done by early Disney illustrators and cartoonist.

The girls have been watching these and enjoying them immensely. Sorry Dora, these are REAL cartoons. The only difference between Saturday mornings for my girls and what Saturday mornings were like for me? I used to devour Pop Tarts and they ALWAYS ask for biscuits and gravy. Spoiled much?

So they sit happily wrapped in blankets (uh, it's summer right?), eating their biscuits and gravy and watching cartoons.

It makes everyone happy!!

On a completely unrelated note, isn't this picture kind of cool? I know it's totally overexposed, but it turned out to have kind of a cool effect, eh?

Have a good weekend everyone!

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