
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Working in the Garden

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Southern Oregon, and we went outside! It was nice be out without the rain pouring, or snow, or wind, or...well you get the point. We mowed the lawn and worked in the garden.

Today my muscles are telling me that I need to work in the garden a LOT more. I look forward to being out there some more this summer.

I've said it before, a lot actually, but I'm really counting on our garden this year. I don't know about all of you, but the prices on produce (and all groceries for that matter) are raising every week. Sometimes by leaps and bounds. Let's face it, it's not going to get better. Enter my huge garden plans. I see a lot of dehydrating, freezing and canning in my future. In fact I'm looking forward to it.

Back to yesterday. I used this tiller to break some ground.

Then we planted these little cabbages.

All neat in a little row.

My broccoli is doing well.

So is my cauliflower.

My little onions are very happy.

I have a few rows of peas planted as well, but they aren't up yet. Oh, but the chickens wanted to say "HI!" They are off the naughty list now that they are both laying eggs.

And last, a picture of the littles helping daddy. They are really into dressing themselves right now, can you tell? :)
That's how my garden is shaping up. I'll share more progress reports as we go!

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