
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I am on a mission to cook and bake with more whole grains! They are good for you, keep you full and are an essential source of fiber. I know, I'm about to turn 30 and here I am talking about fiber. Sheesh. I want to eat healthier, not necessarily be on a "diet". I just want to change my diet, I think a lot of people are in the same place as me right now.

Pre-packaged, overly processed foods are not good for us. We all know it, but our busy lives and the busy lives of our loved ones sometimes call for us to use these things. We all do it. I'm just trying to move my family away from all of that and in a different direction.

What does that mean for this blog? Well, nothing much will change. I still cook and bake a fair amount of goodies. That's just the nature of the beast :) We have a lot of birthdays, snacks and lunches to make around here. But, I will be trying to find ways (and some of the ones I have been using with great success may surprise you) to lighten things up, add whole grains or other good-for-you ingredients. You may see a few more healthy dinner options going up.

I plan on doing a whole series this spring/summer about putting up your harvest, whether you buy from a grocery store, farmers market or grow your fruit/produce right in your backyard. I want everyone to be able to experience that delicious feeling of putting something wholesome and fresh away for the winter months when it may not be available, or if it is it doesn't taste as good (tomatoes! I'm looking at you).

So, a few changes will be happening. If I hadn't written this, you probably would have never even noticed. I think that by sharing my plans I will feel more accountable to keep up with them. You are going to help keep me on track.

Now, here is where you can help: Tell me what types of things you are interested in seeing! And don't worry if it isn't healthy, I'm not going to go crazy here, I just think a few more options for everyday cooking/baking would be a good idea. Even I don't like to eat tons of crap all the time (GASP!) and will appreciate having a few healthier, easy weeknight meals to fall back on.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you would love to see. Have a great recipe you want to share? Leave it in a comment here, or on Facebook. You did know we were on Facebook didn't you? :)

I think this is going to be a fun new direction, what about you?

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