
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nearing Completion

I realised that I haven't posted anything about the bathroom remodel in a while. Well, here ya go:

The tile floor is all done. It looks so nice :) We love it. We had enough of this tile left over to go down the hallway too, so that was good.

This is from the inside looking out. Dottie decided she wanted to say Hi! Please excuse all the stuff on the counter tops. It's where Kevin is keeping all of his tools and supplies in there. Remodeling is messy business!

And finally, from the outside looking in. That grey spot on the washer? It's thinset mortar from laying the tiles. Everyday I ship off a little more and a little more, but that stuff is stuck on there good and isn't wanting to come off.

That's where we are right now. I'm hoping that next weekend I can show you some pictures of the walls after they have been textured. Crossing my fingers that we are able to get that done!

I'll update you with pictures of the hall as soon as we get that tile down :)

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