
Friday, February 11, 2011

Life Marches On

The funny thing about life is that it's not complete without loss. Loss of a parent, friend, aunt, uncle, child, neighbor....even pets or animals. Life is not a permanent situation and no one should want it to be. Does that make it easier when some kind of loss does occur? No, absolutely not.

What a loss does it make you look at your life a little closer, examine how you handle every day. Because at the end of the day all that you have to show for it is that day. You can't do it over again, make changes to what you said or did, or try to change the outcome of a situation.
What you can do is examine your life and the way you have been living it and make the decision to change things from then on, but by then it's too late. You have already lost precious time. And time, my friends, is in short supply.

We have recently suffered a loss. It wasn't sudden, or unexpected, or even a shock. But it has been hard on members of our family and it represents a change that they weren't ready for. Through this loss, though, there has been much reflection and thought about change.

It reminds me of these lyrics: "Time may change me, but I can't change time."

Today is the day to stop living to survive and start living to live. To be the best at life that you can, to stop taking things for granted, to understand that life is fragile and fleeting.

We are never guaranteed another day.

We are never given more time.

We are never in control.

We should be patient.

We should be loving and kind.

We should be graceful, forgiving and obedient.

We should hope that one day when we are gone, our family hopes that they can be half the person that we were.

Set a good example, hold your family close and love with all your heart. You will never regret one minute of it!


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