
Monday, November 1, 2010

Let The Holidays Begin!

Well, did you all make it through Halloween ok? We did, but we emerged on the other side with a couple pretty sick kids (and not from all the candy either).

I have been thinking about how I wanted to tackle Thanksgiving on this here little blog, and I think I am happy with what I have planned.

I'm going to start with breakfast. Two things happen with breakfast when it comes to a holiday- 1) breakfast is a big, giant to-do with all the trimmings and makes an already harried cook busier than ever with the washing up and cooking of the "Big Breakfast" or 2) breakfast is a box of cereal poured into a disposable bowl and eaten with a plastic spoon.

I don't want your family to have either of these things happen, so I have some recipes to share that are make ahead, stash in the fridge or easy to prepare and clean up. I want you to have a stress-less holiday. No one wants to remember mom up all day slaving away over the stove, so let's start planing now to make a day full of family and relaxation, shall we?

I am no Martha Stewart. By no means are our Holidays perfect. But, I think I have a few ideas and a few recipes that just might make your day simpler, more enjoyable and maybe a little more delicious. I detest ridiculously difficult recipes that have ingredients no one can find at a regular grocery store. The simplest things are often the best and I think we could all use a little simplifying. :)

Let's all get ready to tackle the Holiday season together, one recipe at a time!


  1. Sometimes I feel like you're talking DIRECTLY to me. You always know the right things to say, lol ;) I'm all ears - err, eyes? Whatever, lol

  2. You crack me up! Didn't you know I was a mind reader? lol I just want everyone to have a good time and eat good food. Oh, and not have a freak out. I've done that and it is no bueno! :)


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