
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Super Secret Recipe

Pssst! You. Yeah, you. C'mere. I have a secret to tell you.

 Tonight is pizza night at our house, and I found something out you might like to know. We buy pizzas sometimes from this certain take and bake place here on the west coast. The name starts with papa and ends with Murphy's.

 We buy pizza there not because we really, really love it. No, we buy pizza there because they have this sauce that we love.


It's good, real good.

I know a guy who knows a gal who's ex-brother's sister's best friend's niece used to work there and I got the recipe for THE SAUCE.

They put it on pizzas and it's white. And garlicky. And delicious.

Wanna know how to make it?

I knew you would. Are you ready? Are you sure? Do you have a pen and paper ready?

1 cup of ranch + 1 Tablespoon of chopped garlic. Mix and let sit for 1 hour.

That's it.

You can thank me later.

Now go forth and MAKE PIZZA!


  1. fun post! Thanks for sharing the super secret sauce recipe ;) It sound awesome!

  2. Thank you :) It is so good! I'm glad I can make our favorite pizza at home now!

  3. LOVE the concept and presentation of this post! You are a clever lady!


  4. Thanks Sadie, it was fun to do. I love this sauce and I was glad to share it with others who might enjoy it too! :)


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