
Friday, October 29, 2010

Spiderweb Brownies

Are you ready for another instalment of Halloween treats? This is another no fuss, no frills idea for you. Ready? Let's go!

I saw this over on King Arthur Flour, you can check out their post here. Their brownies turned out better than mine, but I had helpers and they are thrilled with how it turned out, so what more can you ask for right? Baking with kids is never going to turn out picture perfect, but it'll still taste the same ;)

This is how I went about it. I made my favorite brownies (make your favorite recipe, homemade or from a box, it doesn't matter. You want to use ones you think taste good). Put them into a round pan. I used a 10 inch spring form pan here, but if you are making a recipe that usually goes into a 9x13 inch pan, I think you could do it in 2-8 inch round cake pans.

Mix up the "web" by mixing 1/2 a package of cream cheese with 2 tablespoons of sugar and a Tablespoon of flour. Add one egg yolk and mix again. Put it into a sandwich sized zip top bag and snip off a corner. You should probably supervise this because my "oh a little bit" instruction on how much to snip off ended up being what I would have described as "a pretty big chunk" instead. But. that's ok, we just have a fatter spiderweb instead of a little delicate one.

Make circles on top of your brownies:

Use a thin knife or a toothpick to make the lines. Starting in the center, pull towards the outside edge. Do this all the way around, leaving plenty of space in between. Then, you go in between your lines, and make the lines going towards the center. It'll look something like this:

Bake according to the directions on your recipe. Mine got a little funky during baking, but that's ok, spiderwebs aren't always perfect anyway!

Let it cool, slice and enjoy!


  1. Looks don't mean anything! I bet they were mighty tasty!

  2. They were delicious! Recipes from KAF never disappoint :)


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