
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pizza Rolls

I'm doing a series of 3 shorter posts today because I just had so many good ideas to share! I didn't want you to have to wait days to see them all.

These are homemade pizza rolls, you know like the ones that are kind of expensive and only come with about a dozen in the box? These are like those, but better. They also offer you endless possibilities as to what you can stuff inside of them.
Pepperoni and cheese? Sounds good. Leftover taco meat and cheese? Delish. Ham and cheese? Yum. Veggies and marinara sauce? Oh my.
Do you see where I am headed with this? If you can chop it up small enough to fit in the wrappers or it isn't so hard that it's going to poke a hole through, you are well on your way to making a delicious lunch or part of a dinner. Or you know, a snack.

I made these pizza because that's what I had on hand, but I have seriously put tons of different stuff in them. Even fruit. Yup, they even make a good dessert.

Here's the How To:

1 pack of egg roll wrappers (mine was a 20 count)
assorted fillings
Oil for frying

Open you package of egg roll wrappers and get out the little instructional card inside. It will tell you EXACTLY how to wrap these little bundles right up. Just in case I confuse you.

Lay a wrapper on the counter in front of you, on it's point so it looks like a diamond. Get your finger wet in the water and lightly moisten all the edges. Put your desired filling in the lower third, closest to your body but not on the tip. Leave some room so you can fold the edge closest to you over the filling when you start to roll. Fold the edge over the filling and press it down a little. Next, fold in the sides like you are going to make a a burrito and roll up. Place on a plate and roll remaining wrappers. Heat your oil to about 350 (or between 7-8 on my electric stove) and when the oil is hot place a few filled wrappers into the oil. When they get golden brown on one side, flip them over and let the other side get golden too. It doesn't want to be left out of the GBD club, (If you aren't an Alton Brown/Good Eats fan, that means Golden Brown and Delicious), place it on a paper towel lined plate while you cook the rest.
Let them cool slightly so the filling isn't like hot lava and then EAT! You will not be disappointed, these are good. And a good way to use up whatever happens to be hanging out in the fridge.


  1. fill those puppies with apple pie filling!

  2. Done it! It's delicious :) But when they come out of the oil you have to roll them in cinnamon sugar. That makes al the difference!


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