
Thursday, September 30, 2010

We Now Interrupt The Regularly Scheduled Programming

This is the very first craft post I have ever done! I know a lot of people won't get all excited about this, and it isn't that extraordinary, but this is what happens when you give a 6 year old some materials and a chunk of time.

That's right, my little creative kid came up with this all on her own. I am very proud of her and I think that it is something that people with kids will appreciate. A fun, family friendly project that take few materials. We went on a nature hike to get the leaves, cut the middle out of a paper plate to get the wreath shape and off she went. We are making more of these for the doors in the house.

You could paint the paper plate to make it a little more finished looking if you wanted to, or add small pine cones, acorns or painted nuts (the ones still in the shell). Or a bow! Pretty much whatever you want.

I think you should kick the kids outside to go get some leaves RIGHT NOW and make some of these for your own house!


  1. I love this one! I really love fall crafting, and usually make wreaths and table placements of my own. Another good one I let the kids try was collecting acorns & letting them paint their own acorns, then putting them on the wreaths. It was kind of fun, and they liked it!

  2. My girls like anything if they get to use glue ;)


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