
Monday, September 20, 2010

Peach Crisp

****Just a note-today I am guest posting over on the Farm Bell Blog and I'm nearly dying of excitement! If you hopped over here from Farm Bell, leave a comment so I know you came over for a visit!****

Perfect, juicy summer peaches. These are the last of the local ones around here for me, although I suppose that other parts of the country might still have the good fortune to have some.

I have frozen tons of peaches for the winter now, but I didn't want to freeze these last 6, I wanted to enjoy them now.

So, I made a crisp. A peach crisp is one of those perfectly balanced, not too sweet desserts that everyone should know how to make. After all, once you have the "crisp" part of the crisp recipe down, you can use any seasonal fruit. That can only mean good things for you!

The inside of a peach is one of the prettiest things.

I halved, pitted and peeled six peaches.

Sliced them into a baking dish. I usually would have added some sugar to these, but they are so sweet and juicy right now that I didn't do it this time. This is entirely up to you and your families tastes.

Next we make up our topping, the crispy part of the crisp. You are going to put flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, oats and butter in a bowl. Using the two best tools that God gave ya, you're going to squish this stuff up until it is very combined. I suppose if you wanted to you could use a pastry blender, but I like to get in there and really mix it up. It's up to you.

Spread the topping over the fruit. This is where I employ the "Squeeze and Separate" method. Squeeze the topping into large pieces (it'll stick together because your hands softened the butter a bit) and then break the big chunks up into smaller buts. This way you get those clumps of deliciously buttery and crisp pieces in every bite.

Pop it into the oven and bake for about an hour or until the topping is brown, the fruit is tender and the juices are bubbling.

A big scoop of this dessert and a little ice cream or sweetened whipped cream are the perfect ending to a day. So simple and so delicious. Now you have everything you need to know to make a crisp. Play around with the fruits and find something you really love because this is so easy you can make it every night if you want!

The Recipe:

6 medium to large peaches, halved, peeled, pitted and sliced.
1/2 cup cold butter
2/3 cup flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup quick cooking oats
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Place peaches into a baking dish. Mix all the other ingredients in another bowl until thoroughly combined and crumbly. Sprinkle topping over the fruit and spread it out evenly. Place in a 350 degree oven for about 1 hour, or until the topping is brown, the fruit is tender and the juices are bubbling. Let cool for 10 minutes and serve with ice cream or sweetened whipped cream.


  1. I drifted over from Suzanne's Chickens In The Road blog. Love peaches! Also, I liked all the pie pictures! Will visit again, I'm sure.

  2. I enjoyed your website. I also really like peaches. I look up chickens in the road every day. Mona

  3. Thank you for stopping by, I hope you come back again!

  4. Hi! I came over from Chickens in the Road, too. I love your blog. I love to cook and bake. I'm sure I'll be back.

  5. I'm visiting from your site...will visit again.

  6. Thank you all! I'm feeling the blog love today :)

  7. Hi! I find it hard to comment as I'm fainting from the hunger inducing light-headedness that all those great pics of delicious fattening deserts you've been making. I too read your post on the CIR blog and decided to visit your blog. It was a pleasure indeed. We'll be checking back.

  8. Well thank you, I do love to bake. Please do come for a visit again! :)


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