
Friday, September 3, 2010

6th Birthday Portraits

I took these yesterday of our newly outfitted cowgirl.

Love her toothless grin.

My absolute favorite.

I like this one too.

She really didn't want to pose like this, but being the good mother that I am, I made her do it anyway :)

She is tying her own little boot here, but I liked how chubby her face looked.

And then there is this one. She looks thoughtful, but I know the only thought going through her head is "Mama, are we done yet?????"

Yes, we're done.

Until next time.

On a side not, I am particularly proud of these pictures because I took them on manual settings (as opposed to just using the auto) on my camera. It's been my goal all summer to not rely on the auto anymore and I feel a little more confident that I can figure it all out now.

But, I gotta tell you. Aperture, F-Stop, Shutter Speed, White Balance, all makes my head want to explode. Maybe by this time next year, I'll have a much better grasp of it all.....

I wouldn't hold my breath.

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